better data.
better insights.


With HealtheConnections as your health information exchange, you're connected to thousands of providers in New York State, and surrounding states, and more than 80% of the licensed clinicians in your community. No faxing. No calling. No waiting. That means more efficient care, healthier communities, and greater cost efficiencies.


prepare for
new or unfamiliar patients

by accessing critical community-wide records

send and receive
visit notes directly and securely

from organizations to follow up with the patient’s primary care provider or specialist

automatic clinical alerts

customized to your patients and workflow

easily access and
understand patient profiles

to identify gaps in care

"Anyone in the medical field that needs to have easy access to medical records should have HealtheConnections."

Leo Sanchez
Bilingual Engagement Coordinator, ACR Health

more than

participating organizations




licensed clinicians

Health Information Exchange is the secure flow of patient data among healthcare providers. With a patient's consent, their care team can easily access their electronic medical records including histories, labs, images, reports, diagnostic tests, visit notes, and other vital information necessary to provide the highest quality care. This level of interoperability is crucial for optimal care coordination, and with HealtheConnections' services, secure exchange of information is smoother than ever before.

Consolidated patient information from hundreds of data sources creates a comprehensive clinical record, available at the touch of a button. Medications, allergies, medical history, labs, and more!

Secure, HIPAA-compliant communication for fast and easy care coordination. The intuitive system allows for live chat, sending and receiving attachments, and contains a national provider directory to connect you to referral partners.

Receive clinical notifications customized to your preferences in-region and throughout New York State. Filter and subscribe to alerts by patient, hospital, or consent, and receive through secure Direct Mail in real-time or by daily digest.

View results directly in the HealtheConnections portal or delivered into your own system for easy access. Cut down on waiting for faxes or phone calls – no need for a lab interface or electronic health record system.

View diagnostic-quality images easily and efficiently for comparative studies directly in the provider portal or have them delivered into your own PACS through Transfer-to-PACS.


clinical summary documents received per month


image studies received per month


clinical alerts exchanged per month


results delivered per month


unique patient records received each month


unique patients accessed each month

a true partnership

Together, we have the opportunity to transform healthcare. By choosing HealtheConnections as your partner in success, we'll show you how to make the most of these free resources, maximize your returns on incentives, and meet quality performance measures. We're a not-for-profit entity, and we truly believe that you have a right to free services that will help you meet our shared vision of improved healthcare for all. Our job is to make sure you have the tools you need and the knowledge to use them.

Thousands of physicians are benefitting from the HIE-we think it's time that you do, too

Map of the HealtheConnections service area covering 26 counties of New York State.

HealtheConnections is a Qualified Entity of the Statewide Health Information Network of New York (SHIN-NY). In collaboration with the 6 other entities in their designated regions, we are committed to supporting patient-centric, value-based care, and developing tools and resources that enable better outcomes, efficiency, and affordability.